Dec 27, 2024 02:45
A civilian passenger jet appears to have been shot at when at high elevation when flying from Azerbaijan to Russia then it crossed the Caspian sea to get very close to an airport in Kazakhstan. Looking at the last couple minutes of flight from the ground, the plane went up and down then at the last moment, turned sideways without changing direction. My speculation is that the tires may have been deflated so the pilots chose a field rather than pavement to crash into and decreased forward velocity as mush as possible with the up and down flight then purposely landed on a wing to slow down more before the body of the plane makes contact with the ground. The videos by passenger cellphones shows that oxygen masks were in use suggesting they lost air pressure due to the holes in the plane which would allow the possibility of tire destruction. I saw one wing tire set deployed and the front tire set... The third set of tires may have also not deployed but that was not obvious from the footage I saw.