Alison thinks Madge is a copy-cat and is unoriginal

Apr 18, 2006 18:04

I posted this quote on the Fashion Spot but apparently no one cares. Thought it was so on-the-money.

"Goldfrapp lead singer Alison Goldfrapp has attacked queen of pop Madonna for stealing ideas and being too reliant on others for her music.

Alison, who along with Will Gregory writes and performs all of Goldfrapp's music, clearly feels that Madge has been stealing other people's fire.

The artist commented: "She's always got her eye on what everyone's doing and she's always nabbing people, the latest DJ or whatever, to get them to put their thing on her thing, you know."

The singer continued her outburst by suggesting that Madonna lacks creativity. "I think it's quite clever, but I don't know if that's creative," she said."

As I said on the boards too,I think it's great that an artist said this out loud. Too often,people praise Madonna but what are praising,really? And obviously she said it quite bluntly because she felt that she and Will are one of these bands she's got her eye on. And she would be right too. I felt a huge influence on Confessions from Goldfrapp.
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