1. Hot
rhyfelgri on
northseaflotsam action - Yes/No?
...honestly I shall be surprised if they haven't.
2. Who does
le_desirous like?
ME. :D And most people!
illgotten just got vaporized in a freak accident. Now what?
Now I shall be very sad. :(
4. Oh no,
thespaewife got kidnapped by aliens! What do you say once they get back?
Because I think the aliens would come off worst, to tell you the truth.
5. What do you think about
She is lovely and I ought to go and see her soon.
6. What's
all_that_grace's opinion on cheese?
...Well, he is French.
7. Who is
knightbalanced's best friend?
I do not know! You'd better ask him.
8. What would you do if
guyslikeyou confessed love to you?
9. What would
thedemeters not be caught dead in?
I don't know! Those tiny pants, probably.
10. Do you do anything special with
Yes! It's his fault I am not entirely helpless. Also sometimes we make muffins.