Busy, busy, busy. Surprised? xD
Anyways, in spite I have almost no time or effort to be online, and I still miss some people around, I installed twitter on my mobile. Yay technologies! xD
So, guys, I really just need to know that there's a life going on beyond the walls of clinic. :3
http://twitter.com/setterart And, a short rant included, too.
Everyone knows Russia overall and my city in particular is quite snowy. And winter here is real winter, which usually starts in October and ends in April. This year the first snow came only in the 20s of November - and what?
270 car crashes in the first 24 hours, 12 people dead, 46 in hospitals, transport collapsed because there's almost no snow clearers around.
The winter here is always so unexpected and we're always so not fucking ready.
/endrant. Feels a tad better now :3