WTF? Just, really? Eurgh!
Oh God, Jack and Kate playing house is just... disturbing. Or I don't know, I'm not actually that invested in this, but it's certainly unexpected.
Also, why walk around your house in just a shirt? His, I don't doubt, but really? Put on some damn trousers, Kate.
This whole mirror thing is so fucking stupid. At least TIE HIM DOWN! God damn hero complex. Well THANK YOU, Bernard.
Great, the man needs sleeping pills because of you; that's what ever fiancée wants to hear.
Yeah, yeah, go on and redial - we know you want to. Or go to the beer, that always helps. I keep telling you, Jack, the only fictional doctor who looks good in a downward spiral is Luka Kovac.
Must be nice for Juliet to not have lost a patient for once.
Come on with the effing triangle. I DON'T CARE. Or sort of I do, I guess, hence the start of this post, but I don't want it in my face. And I wouldn't care if they didn't shove it down my throat every effing moment.
So is he going to turn into scary alcoholic now?
Kate is just as much a Stepford Wife in this marriage as she was in her last. It looks...odd. And are we supposed to think she's with Sawyer when she's out? BECAUSE IF WE HAVE A TRIANGLE HERE TOO, I'll kick something.
Kate's hair is too curly. Or not combed out enough. Kate, meet wide-toothed comb.
Is she meeting Ben? Oh yes. Or not, and FUCKING SHOW! *kicks table*
So Sawyer is on the island and they're not and they're still fucking fighting about the fucking triangle, for fuck's sake?!
Ouch, Jack. Say that again when you're sober.
I'm so sick of Jack Senior (no, I can't remember is name - oh, right Christian) - showing up every-God-damn-where.
Is this how Claire lost custody of Aaron?
Well, that sort of sucked. Was forewarned, but it still did. And, no matter what a partial place this comes from, but Jack/Kate is so Carter/Abby that it makes me sick. It just IS. J/K getting it on (about FOUR times in one episode? WE GET THAT THEY HAVE SEX! If you have to show it this many times, it's not selling itself) - is about as hot as the Shower Scene of Doom. And the domestic bliss about as convincing as most parts of S9. Should I go on, I'm sure I could? Oh yes; just like Noah Wyle, Matthew Fox needs to not have any romance plots. They Do Not Fucking WORK On Screen. Full stop.
Really, listen up girls: if you have sort of messy problems, don't hook up with smug, rich doctors who like to fix people. Who tend to take to the pill bottle when things look dire. Aaaahaha yes, I stopped watching ER over a year ago and still hate John Carter with every fibre of the TV-character-hating-part of my being.