Apr 28, 2005 15:40
What a cliche. It never means, "Let's be friends." It really means, "I don't want to see you anymore, but if I say we can still be friends then I don't look like such a jerk."
If two people were honestly interested in being nothing more than friends then they wouldn't be at a point where one of them had to say, "Let's just be friends." And even when it's meant with good intentions (which is rare) it doesn't really work that way, unless the two people were very good friends to begin with. If they weren't then it's more like saying, "I'm sorry. I'm not really interested . . . but here's your consolation prize! We can still be friends."
It's patronizing, and cowardly. Instead of having the balls to tell someone right out that you don't want anything to do with them anymore you give them this false idea that the relationship can continue, just in a different form. More often than not, telling someone that you can still be friends only causes more drama and confuses the issue.
Quite frankly, anybody who uses this method to be polite or politically correct, in my opinion, can shove it. I'm not interested in people who are less than honest, and I'm so tired of this crap that I've decided that the next a$#hole who gives me this "let's just be friends" crap is going to be castrated.