Aug 13, 2008 20:55
I'm so sick of people judging me just because i'm Asian. I'm really sick of seeing comments like "yellow scum", "You murdering chinese". People, there's always two side to every story. We don't know the full story of the situation in Tibet. Just because you say those things that we are like "animals" or "people who have no morals", what does that make you for saying those things? You're judgemental and someone of lesser morality. It really is hypocrisy at work.
**Also a little note, I was waiting outside for 30 minutes waiting to be let in so I can retake my Chemistry regents. As i'm standing there, I have people staring at me like "What the heck is she doing here? She's Asian". I wanted to say to them, I"M NOT STUPID OR RETARDED LIKE THEM(PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY FAILED THE TEST). I just wanted to retake it to get a better grade and if I did fail it, why would it be a suprise that an "Asian" failed at something? We all have those times where we do well below our standards. Those are the times that motivate us to "perfection".
This is me signing off now.....