European Period Films -- Girl with a Pearl Earring (Webber - 2003)
-- I admitted defeat on making the joins in the extended background less obvious, and sent in this version of the many I tried.
I did enjoy the film more than I remembered when I rewatched it. I suspect mostly because I was so focused on its look -- almost to the exclusion of everything else. This is a gorgeous film without a complicated story. Thank goodness it wan't stretched beyond a 100 minute running time. I wished for a more evocative -helpful?- score more than once, though. Like so many others, I will watch Colin Firth do anything, but I was surprised to recognize Cillian Murphy too, this viewing. I'm quite sure I've never seen him looking manlier... even if this is the longest hair I've seen him wearing.
I ended up going with a banner idea that didn't work until I went looking for a higher quality image than that final frame of the movie. (The image I started with came from
The other idea I had and abandoned rather quickly was this (from my own cap).