I went up to Scottsdale, AZ to go shopping. Wow! I thought there was money in Delaware. Of course I ended up spending way too much. My mom gave me the heads up that I would need a business suit in a week. She suggested my Class A uniform, but it's not just something I can throw on whenever I feel like it. I would need to get permission to wear it - especially to something related to the State Department being held in DC. I would be afraid that it would look like I was the representative from the U.S. Army anytime I did or said anything. Actually, that's why I would need permission.
So I used that as an excuse to buy a business outfit since I don't have an outfit here and I figured nothing I had from my civilan life would fit. That's an understatement. The skirt and top I ended up buying were both size 2. My first suit at MBNA was a size 6. Most of my UD clothes were a size 10 (after Carson, some were even size 12). When I decided to join the Army, I planned to take the Bosnian approach to fashion: have 5 or 6 fantastic outfits for each summer and winter (10 - 12 outfits TOTAL), and not give a damn about how often I wear the same thing. If you look great, why wouldn't people want to see you in the same outfit again, right?
To make a long story short, I bought a ridiculously expensive outfit from Nordstroms (for those who follow fashion,
BCBG outfit with Michael
Kors shoes). Then I followed that up by buying a crazy expensive outfit for Eden. I'm not even going to say where I bought it because even the most fashion ignorant would actually smack their foreheads and shriek out loud. When I think about it though, Eden has almost always had at least one piece of designer clothing each year. Last year, she had a
Benetton jacket from Germany and a pair of designer shoes from Sarajevo, and the year before that, she had a whole Benetton outfit that was purchased for her in Florence, Italy. Before that, Herb and Mimi gave her pieces from their own designs some of which were one-of-a-kind. Still, this year's purchase is over the top. I'm waiting to find out if it's even in dress code.
...and for the record I drove the 3.5 hours from Sierra Vista. It wasn't bad.