Sep 02, 2008 22:55
I am in an odd mood. I think I feel another attack of hormonal madness oncoming. -_- A quick check of this journal reveals that the last such attack was on July 10th, which is 54 days ago. Divide that by 2 and you get 27. Hah. Hormonal indeed. I've got your number, stupid body brain-things.... *cross wabbits* As an antidote (or perhaps an accelerant?) to the effects, I rewatched the episode "Adam" from season 2 of Torchwood, fast-forwarding over all the "JesusJack administers the Eucharist short-term amnesia pills to his disciples team" bits, which just annoy me. wibbling Ianto is still adorable, though.
Ianto reminds me of waistcoats, which reminds me that I am NEARLY DONE with the Puppydog's waistcoat, which was supposed to be his Christmas present. I am a failure girlfriend! Or at least a failure at getting waiscoats finished in a timely manner. All that's left is the buttonholes, which will probably take a bit, as I am torturing myself and working them by hand. They will look so much nicer that way. Buttonholes are generally terrifying, though, since they are the last thing you do and yu have to cut into the fabric, so if you mess up, there's nothing can be done to save it. o_o
I have one last dentist visit tomorrow. *hides under the covers* Not want! Not want at all!
total geek