May 01, 2008 23:02
But Euripides denied my chief accomplishment- that made by beauty, of by my actions, and those of Paris, launching a war that set a thousand ships to sail and brought down ruin to Troy.
I really have no idea what I ws trying to do with this sentance. I think I started it one way and then changed my mind midway through, but really, it makes no sense. *pokes at it*
blllleeeaaaaaaahhhh..... I have no idea if my essay is any good or not. ;_; stupid vague professor.
On a slightly happier note, Happy May Day! We really ought to have danced around giant phallic symbols with ribbons and flowers and whatnot, and bathed our faces in the morning dew. Also, happy International Worker's day, or whatever it is exactly. Workers of the World, unite! For some reason, socialist movements always seem to happen in May! And tomorrow is Holocaust Remembrance day. Small (TALL!) brother was writing up things about all the bad stuff that has happened to Jews in European History, and is oing to print a bunch out and guve them out at school, with recommendtations to hug people. I like the hugging people idea. Let's make contact with people tomorrow- smile, catch their eyes, say hello- and make the world an infintesimally better place.
history fangirl