Sep 20, 2007 16:39
Today I had History 101. We were presenting ideas for our paper which we will spend the rest of the quarter writing. In the middle of this, appropos of where to research, the professor started talking about Google. It went as follows:
"Google...Google..." (accompanied by a kind of waving of the hands) "Google is omniscient. Google is omnipresent."
(at this point, Dan says very quietly, "Except in China," but the professor didn't hear him. I did.)
"Google is omnipotent," continues the professor. "In fact, the only difference between Google and God is that Google answers your prayers!"
At which point I simply couldn't resist saying, "But they're both illegal in China."
Luckily, the professor was amused, and I did give credit where credit was due, and mentioned Dan's comment. I never would have thought of it if he hadn't mentioned China.
Anyhow, it amused me. The professor is an amusing guy, and not at all your typical history professor.
Real entry to follow later, maybe?
history fangirl