Spent all day so far sewing (must.finish.jacket.almost...there....argh.....handstitching...) and listening to the radio, which in my case means KQED, and thus NPR and the BBC. There was some reporter with the BBC with the most lovely accent - sounded like a suppressed Scottish brogue, I think? All those lovely rolled Rs and well-pronounced vowels. Anyway. As it usually does, listening to the radio causes me to swing between frothing rage (aasdfkj Schwarzenegger cut special ed funding? *hissssss* also anything about illegal immigrants or English as an official language) and good cheer (using narwhals to collect information! XD yay! Only it's information on ocean temperature so the scientists can track global warming... *sigh*)
I turned on the radio in the middle of the KQED Forum broadcast (which you can listen to
on the Forum website) while they were discussing the recent $130 million in cuts to mental health care for schoolchildren authorized by Governor Schwarzenegger.
AND WE WONDER WHY THE US IS FALLING BEHIND IN EDUCATION? Oh gee, maybe because every bloody time our stupid governments need to cut money they cut it from schools. Talk about picking on the people who can't fight back - not just children, children with mental health issues. Yes, that's very fair and so totally sensible. ARGH ARGH ARGH. I can hardly articulate my rage, so I fall back on sarcasm. I have an uncle who recently got an advanced degree (I think it was his masters) in special education, and an aunt who's a licensed marriage abd family counsellor who's worked with disturbed teenagers, and another aunt who's a gradeschool teacher. Put them all together (say, at Thanksgiving) and you get to hear some very interesting stories about how we are failing the children who most need our help. I can't imagine these new cuts will do anything but more harm.
Other fun news! Nitwits in Ohio who want an immigration law like Arizona's! I'm sorry, but I just don't approve of barely-veiled racism. And then the show segued into talking about people who want to make English the official language (several states have already done so, which I didn't know.) Their reasoning was just as rage-inducing. Sometimes this country makes me so, so angry, and yet I love it intensely and am proud to live here. It's all very confusing, and reminds me that I need to clear up my voter registration status. Hmm. I hope I can vote in the coming election. If not I shall be very cross, both with myself and the DMV for being slow, slow, slow!
I've been feeling feverish and sick all day. This is not cool. I don't want to be sick while on vacation! Right now I am drinking hot tea with lemon and honey, which at least makes me feel happier. The weather, meanwhile, has gone seriously weird. It's been and cold and overcast, and then I ventured cautiously outside to get a lemon and it was seventy degrees and really windy. Still overcast, though.
Entry originally posted at
annoyedwabbit on Dreamwidth.org