*INCOHERENT FANGIRLING* (and a lot of stuff no one else cares about)

Aug 25, 2010 22:04

GUYS!!!! GUYS!!! None of you care but ROOKIES IS BEING SCANLATED AGAIN!! :D :D :D :D

Wabbits are emitting high-pitched EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE noises, rather like teakettles. Considering that there are hundreds of them doing this, it's rather overwhelming.

Okay. I will calm down now. Maybe. Heee. I must resist reading the four new chapters RIGHT NOW. Instead I will save them, savor them on the long, boring train ride tomorrow. And probably end up giggling to myself like a maniac on said train ride. Hey, there's nothing like a crazy lady in work clothes to liven up the commute for others, right? Though actually, we're quitting early tomorrow and heading off to the Birth of Impressionism exhibit, got the tickets and everything, so I will be in fairly normal clothes by then. (Actually, we tried to go yesterday, but they were sold out. That's okay, we still quit early, because it was about 100 degrees on the roof - I am not joking AT AL- and we were all dying.)

Somehow I haven't uploaded a Rookies icon to dreamwidth yet, so this instead gets the Patrician's seal of approval.

Last night, after the COMMUTE FROM HELL (caught a bus pretty quickly, only to arrive at BART and found they were experiencing "major system-wide delays," then got to Caltrain and found out all the trains were delayed there as well - but actually despite all the delays, it could have been worse. I was only stuck between trains for half an hour, tops, and I still got home before 8:00,) running on about five hours' sleep, i decided to start downloading Mei-chan no Shitsuji, which translates to "Mei-chan's Butler" and is indeed just as stupid and shoujo as it sounds. I wanted something TOTALLY BRAINLESS, darnit, and Mei-chan fits the bill. Of course, I find myself rooting for the third wheel in the love triangle (yaaaaay, mixed metaphors) who stands a snowball's chance in hell, but that's okay. Me rooting for him may have something to do with him being played by Sato Takeru, who is somehow still hot even with a hairstyle which resembles a very orange mop that got stuck in an electrical outlet and then had a traumatic run-in with hair product. Anyhow. There is eyecandy, and a spunky heroine who looks a little like Soto, only taller.

At the moment, we have Weasels in the house, as his school has started and he hasn't quite finalized his apartment situation yet. Things will get exciting when the brother in law (hah, I have a brother in law. How weird is that?) and his lovely girlfriend stay the night later this week. Luckily we have couches and futons enough to fit everyone.

The weather, which has been unusually cool this summer, suddenly decided it needed to make up for lost time. You know, I was actually happy with the lack of 100 degree days. ;_; Especially when working on the roof, which resembles nothing so much as a giant solar cooker. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 65 degrees and partially cloudy in SF, so I might not die. *whimper* I really don't mind the work too much (plus we've got to the trim-setting stage, which is one of my favorite parts, doesn't involve lead exposure, and is really pretty clean) it's getting up at 5:45 to catch my various trains and things that kills me. *sigh* I should go sleep soon.

But first I will transfer the new Rookies scans onto my netbook. :D And maybe the old ones as well, not time like the present for a re-read. :D :D

Entry originally posted at annoyedwabbit on Dreamwidth.org

jdrama, total geek, manga, halp japan is eating my brain

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