Conscious Dreams

Jun 08, 2007 17:17

You may not want to read this because of its length but believe me, this is the most amazing thing I have ever discovered. I will be practicing this and will get back to anyone who wants to know if it is in fact possible. From what I've read, it is possible and I believe this is the greatest way to truly understand the conscious and subconscious of the human mind. To travel from exoreality to endoreality. To go beyond lucid dreaming and completely take control of your dreams.

How to Achieve Conscious Dreams

In order to become proficient in conscious dreaming you need to exercise at least one hour per night, very, very regularly. Regularity is of prime importance in order to be able to voluntarily penetrate your endogenous world or endoreality. Going at will into your endoreality is one of the most rewarding experience you can have in your life, as you enter in the reality which is completely yours and where nobody, no Inquisitor can follow you to prevent you from just enjoying yourself. When you can achieve this, the exogenous reality or exoreality becomes less "real", less stressful, less boring, as you can, now, willingly consider exoreality as dream-like, even if it is not a dream! But being able to consider exoreality as oneiric-like, oneiric-mimetic, gives you much more freedom and self-confidence as you have now new values, new ways of seeing important things, like, for instance, the death of your loved ones or your own death or, generally speaking, people and objects situated in exoreality.

So here are the exercises you should do regularly to learn to consciously penetrate your endoreality:

Before going to sleep, sit or lie in your bed for at least 30 minutes. In total darkness, just focus your attention on darkness and try to visualise simple images, like the image of a triangle, a square, a leaf, or anything you like. For instance, focussing your visual attention on sexual images will ameliorate your concentration!

If you are a man you can focus your attention on images of a breast, of buttocks, of legs, etc.

If you are a woman, you can focus your attention on a part of man's anatomy which triggers your sexual desires.

The purpose of this exercise is to teach you how to specifically activate some of your memory zones in order to achieve the generation of controlled hallucinations. This is a very difficult exercise but it will train your consciousness to control itself. Focussing your attention is extremely important in the discovery of your memory and consciousness. It should be accompanied by breathing regulation: you need to breathe slowly and regularly, as if you were sleeping. Apparently controlled breathing triggers hallucinations, as experienced by meditating monks.

In the beginning, if you focus your attention on, say, a triangle, you will observe the appearance of a faint triangular shape in the darkness and you will discover that this triangle will have a strong tendency to move, rotate, or simply disappear to be replaced by another faint image. Such faint images are called disattenuated images. A clear and controlled hallucinated image is called a completely disattenuated image, while faint images are called partially disattenuated images. We will explain this later. A normal visual thought is called an attenuated image.

To see a memorised image as clearly as a real image means that you activate the metabolism of a memory zone where this image is stored. Selective metabolic activation of memory zones gives you a lot of power in your dreams and, also, surprisingly, in the exoreality where we all live.

While focussing your attention on informational objects (a stored image of an object perceived in exoreality) try your best to forget the boundaries of your body.

Try not to move at all and breathe deeply and regularly, like someone who is sleeping.

When 30 minutes or more have elapsed, just go to sleep - but you still have to wake up in the early morning!

Wake up early in the morning, between 4 or 5, and just repeat the whole exercise.

When you next wake up write, as fast as possible, everything you can remember of your dreams. Slowly, slowly, you will discover that you remember more and more dreams in increasing detail.

During the day, when you have time, just focus your attention on complex objects such as flowers, the ripples of water in a river, the shape of trees, leaves, examine carefully the content of books, etc. This teaches you the same thing as before: how better to focus your consciousness on reality. While doing these focusing exercises you will discover a lot of things like, for instance, the appearance of reiterative rotating images which is an invariant phenomenon preceding the emergence of complex disattenuations. Reiterative images are, probably, a prerequisite for synthesis of complex 3-D images. My intuition is that, in some ways, reiterative images mutually interact to form complex images. Reiterative images could be explained, I think, with a concept called MHV and MHV metabolic activation. Such images can also easily be seen with serotoninergic hallucinogens and it seems that an artist such as Escher just drew such reiterative hallucinations... So it is my opinion that Escher had sub-hallucinations but that he did not mention it, for obvious reasons! Talking about hallucinations nowadays is somewhat reminiscent of talking about the Devil not so long ago... Hallucinations are, still, in the domain of demonology in our "modern" societies, one of the last taboos to eradicate.

Before reiterations appear you will notice that the darkness on which you are focussing becomes first 3-dimensional, then starts to "boil". By "boiling" I mean that you start to observe sub-hallucinations, constantly appearing and disappearing by MHV transformations. These sub-hallucinations are reminiscent of the surface of boiling water! Not only do these hallucinatory forms constantly change but they are very much imbriqué, intertwined. The same step can be noticed by conventional serotoninergic hallucinogens like psilocine which is, for me, the reference serotoninergic hallucinogen. "Boiling" informational objects and reiterations are the sign of only slight metabolic activation. The same phenomena can be observed at the end of a dream period: if you wake up immediately from dreaming you can still observe (for up to 6 minutes or so) boiling and reiterative informational objects in slow rotation (often from right to left in my case). I call this phenomenon the "disattenuation closure" (fermeture de la désatteacutenuation).

After some weeks or months of such training you will have your first conscious dream, in the second phase of your exercise, that is, in the early morning. You will remember it as an extraordinary experience as you will discover that reality is only made of perceptions. Reality for all of us is what we consciously perceive. It does not matter where the incoming information flows from: from exoreality or endoreality. Evolution has put a mechanism which erases the consciousness of our dreams in our central nervous system (CNS). If the mechanism did not exist, all of us would have chosen to live in our respective endorealities and our species would just be extinct!

Just see how people are running into exceedingly primitive computer-generated virtual realities. Imagine what would happen if all people could go, at will, into the ultimate virtual reality of their own mind!!! The mercantilistic society which now prevails would just become extinct as, in our endoreality, we can achieve everything we want at no cost at all. The only cost is learning. In such a future, life would be more tranquil as people would obviously cease to compete and desperately run after "exoreal" objects in order to run, instead, after their own informational objects... When you have access to the informational objects stored into your memory you no longer need money and power to realise your desires. It is far easier to learn how to gratify yourself with informational objects than working like mad to become a millionaire who will have less than you because he can only possess exoreal objects! A proficient conscious dreamer is in a world which is constantly extraordinary. This quality of endoreality is called extraordinarity (extraordinaireté, a quality of endoreality as opposed to non-extraordinarity, which is a quality of exoreality). Moreover, this world is serene, irenic, as it is your own created world. Nobody can run after you in the realm of your endoreality except your fears, materialising in nightmarish forms, as long as you are not aware that they are the product of your stored anxieties.

The new alphabetisation of mankind

The discovery of our endoreality will be the new "alphabetisation" of humankind as this will be a complete revolution which will transform our societies in ways we cannot yet imagine. Endoreality exploration is the first prerequisite in order to analyse and understand what "consciousness" is. This exploration establishes contacts between our conscious and unconscious selves. It is an extraordinary exploration from which you come back to exoreality with some sadness, as exoreality is so crude, so simple, in comparison to the beautiful complexity of your endoreality.

All reality for any given individual is in their own "mind", that is, their own memory. So the exploration of ourselves becomes the most rewarding thing one can achieve in our lives. Talking with your Unconscious teaches you a lot about what "reality" and human life are...

Nowadays people are not yet alphabetised as regards their ability to penetrate into themselves. Their conscious self is completely at odds with their unconscious self. All these great scientists studying exoreality are still primitives as regards their knowledge of their own selves. They know only the verbal language and the usual sequential analytic tools we use in the Sciences but they do not know how to use their Memory in order to do Science in a different way: more visual, more rapid, more creative. Who knows, for instance, that cannabinoids used with benzodiazepines and with the help of some self-knowledge can enhance creativity? Cannabinoids make you enter a "creative zone" of the mind because they intensify the metabolism of the fabric of memory which are called "Intersections". Cannabinoids stimulate thought to "radiate" into the imaginary space-time of memory through those intersections. Through intersections your thought can spread into many different areas of your memory simultaneously thus giving you a higher perspective of things. I wish all scientists would learn how to use cannabinoids to go faster in their research.

There are two ways to penetrate a conscious dream In the first case, when you do your second round of exercises, while now lying in your bed, you will notice the following phenomena which will tell you that you are on the verge of crossing the frontier between exoreality and endoreality: you may notice a buzzing sound in your ears or, more often, you will suddenly feel that your body "becomes light" and moves upwards. Then you may, all of a sudden, see a very bright three-dimensional image just in front of your eyes. Do not become excited, do not panic! Stay very calm because if you become excited or even just move your finger, then the marvellous image will instantly disappear and you will have lost the opportunity to make your first exploration of your endoreality! Be tranquil, observe the image.

Suddenly, you will become a part of this image and you will find yourself with an informational body, that is an oneiric body which is, exactly, like your exoreal body. Do not be too excited. Breathe slowly now that you are in your dream reality! Then go and explore.

In the second case, you will feel the same phenomena but no image will appear and you may just think you are still in your exoreal bed. Don't be so sure! Leave your bed and try to put on the light. If you fail, this may mean you actually penetrated your endoreality as, often, in conscious dreams lights do not turn on. If there is no light, just open your window. Then look at your room for details. Is everything in its correct place? If your room differs from your normal room then you can be sure you are in a dream and, of course, if you slept at, say, 4:30, and when you opened your window you discovered a full sunny day, with modifications of the surroundings, you will now know for sure that you successfully consciously penetrated your own memory! Then do the same as was explained before: go and explore, quietly. If you do not remain calm, you may just wake up.

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