1. I think we're all a little overinvested, to be honest.
2. I've read Naruto up to something like the 27th volume. Does that count? It was ages ago, though. I was shipping Naruto/Sasuke, too - it's just so obvious!
2. I guess it counts! I haven't read any of the manga, I've just seen the show, and only a few episodes of that. So there isn't really anything obvious yet, but I still think that Sasuke and Naruto are better suited than Sakura's obvious crush on Naruto. But I've no idea how any of it ends up, so I'll just keep watching I suppose!
You know, I've been having a similar conversation with a friend, as to why I slash. If you don't mind me asking, is there any particular reason that you choose to follow/ship/see a slash pairing, rather than a gen/het storyline? Other than the fact that our boys are very pretty, and helpfully touch each other a lot, of course. :)
Hmmm, that is an interesting question. I sort of fell into reading slash because I loved the fandom I was in (The Breakfast Club) and there were so few fics that it ended up happening. It wasn't really intentional in any way, and it still isn't. I guess I just find them more interesting? I mean, in TBC it wasn't just about two hot guys making out or anything like that - it was really about the characters and the implications that came from what was happening. It was just sort of further exploration of the dynamics within the film, taking it to the next level. So I guess I liked the idea of it at first, how much you could do with slash rather than het, just because it was that much more complicated
( ... )
This post pretty much took the words right out of my mouth. But I agree with you as well - slash relationships are always so much more interesting than het ones, I find. The intricacies and complexities in them are always so much more interesting to read. I started in the Harry Potter fandom - except not even the fandom really, I just floated along over on ff.net - and to me, the Harry/Draco stories were always so much better to read; they had all that hate and tension between, how was it all going to work out?!?? You know? I think it might also say something about me in that one of my favourite subjects to read out in fics in coming out; how will their family and friends take it? That side of the story has always interested me greatly.
It was the same with bandom for me as well - as soon as I started, there was no way I could stop. And they do make it very, very easy for us. ;)
With the hate and tension part of it, like with pairings like Harry/Draco, it's what I call angry-boy slash. That idea that they're enemies and they have some epic argument that ends in making out against a wall. Do you know what I mean?
And yeah, it's the intracacies of it, when it's done realisitically - the idea that it is something really big and life-changing, so how does it affect everyone?
♥ANGRY-BOY SLASH♥ Yes, I do know, and boy is it bringing back some lovely memories.
Yes! I lovelovelove coming out fics, but I've sadly only read maybe four? And didn't save the links either, darn it. They're the only type of angsty fic that I will read voluntarily. I just love them.
2. I've read Naruto up to something like the 27th volume. Does that count? It was ages ago, though. I was shipping Naruto/Sasuke, too - it's just so obvious!
2. I guess it counts! I haven't read any of the manga, I've just seen the show, and only a few episodes of that. So there isn't really anything obvious yet, but I still think that Sasuke and Naruto are better suited than Sakura's obvious crush on Naruto. But I've no idea how any of it ends up, so I'll just keep watching I suppose!
It was the same with bandom for me as well - as soon as I started, there was no way I could stop. And they do make it very, very easy for us. ;)
And yeah, it's the intracacies of it, when it's done realisitically - the idea that it is something really big and life-changing, so how does it affect everyone?
Yes! I lovelovelove coming out fics, but I've sadly only read maybe four? And didn't save the links either, darn it. They're the only type of angsty fic that I will read voluntarily. I just love them.
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