So tonight Mum and I went to see National Treasure: Book of Secrets, which was great, and the ending sets up so nicely for a third movie! I don't know if there is one planned, but I sooooo hope so.
Anyway, we were a little bit late, and missed the first couple of previews (which, damn it! I love the previews! They're the best part of the movie!), BUT, we did see the last preview before the movie, which was for.... Narnia!! Yay! *cheers* Oh, it looks so good!! And it's all the same actors for the kids, thank god, plus this one actor for Prince Caspian, Ben Barnes, who looked hot as. It's scheduled for release May 18th 2008. And, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is in pre-production now, as well. Which is cool. Even though it only has Edward and Lucy in it. *pout*
I saw The Golden Compass last night as well. And it was great!! Obviously not as detailed as the book, which isn't the movies fault, but because I've read the book, I felt it detracted from it a little. Like, the scene when they find Billy, and he's asking for Ratta? *shudders* In the book, Philip Pullman really conveys the horror and awfulness that is a person separated from their daemon, how it's something just so unimaginably terrifying and disgusting. And obviously they're limited in the medium of film, to show that fully. Like, I was kind of whimpering (softly), and Ashlee turned to me and was like: "What's wrong?" And I just couldn't explain it. But, she loved the idea of everyone having a daemon, and I know The Golden Compass website has a quiz to find out your daemon, so I took it and mine is a
. You know, I think that fits me pretty well, actually. :D