God, Nick isn't even in this video, it's just Tyson rambling on like the lovable tool he is (I mean that in a good way, I swear!), BUT HE STILL MANGAES TO PWN THE CLIP.
Nick sleeps with a Cookie Monster doll guys. How so cute??? It's at 1:25, and oh. He's just so adorable.
I also love that fact that the sheets on Nick's bunk are purple. How so gay Nick Wheeler?
And then another one for good measure-
Interviewer: Seen each other naked?
Nick: Oh yeah.
Tyson: All the time.
Nick: This morning actually.
Tyson: Yeah, as he rolled out.
And there's one other thing, but I'll message you that.
Message? Um, I'm kind of still new to LJ... how do you do that?
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