The party was a success! This is what my mom looks like when she comes over to my house for lunch and finds all her siblings, all her kids, all her grandkids, and many friends waiting for her in our dining room and kitchen! This picture makes me realize how thankful I am that she is here and healthy (those of you whose moms are not still here or who are not well, I hope me posting this doesn't upset you; that is not my intent).
Other than The Boys being sick and/or out of town, and the [averted] near-disaster (nephew coming from Canada was supposed to have a layover in Chicago but they re-routed to Lousiville due to fog, then wouldn't let people off the plane for hours; brother had to drive to Louisville in the middle of the night to pick them up), it was perfect. I really don't think I have ever seen her that happy.
People showed up on time, no one blabbed ahead of time, there was plenty of food, and no arguments. Holy shit; maybe I will be able to sleep tonight. Happy birthday, Mom.