Apr 06, 2008 01:13
Holy remixed Doctor Who theme Batman! I have the newest of new episodes loading slowly onto my laptop to watch as I wait for my naan to cool. I may have figured out how to make really great naan. Sadly only part of the batch was made that way. Oh well. Next time! I made the apartment insanely hot cause I had the oven at 550. Can't wait to watch this Doctor Who!!!! This series is going to rock, I can just feel it! Now if it would only load faster!
We all went dress shopping this afternoon and all were successful! You shall see my graduation dress when I post graduation pictures. I also bought a skirt on sale. I spent more money today than I should have but you only graduate from college once!
Annnnnd the local MVS coordinator for San Francisco called this afternoon. Missed the call because it was on the land line, which rings once really softly, twice loud enough to hear and then third just as you are reaching for it but goes to voice mail before you can hit talk. I hate that phone. But set up something for tomorrow afternoon. I'll just hang out and wait for the call. Outside. "Working" on my thesis.
doctor who,