Title: One More Way "The Great Game" Didn't End
Author: annlarimer
Spoilers/Warnings: Unlike the first installment, contains MASSIVE spoilers for "The Great Game."
Rating: PG
Summary: What it says on the tin.
Wordcount: 290ish.
viedma 'cause I stole a line from her.
INT. The Reichenbach Public Swimming Baths. Night.
(Sherlock is pulling the bombcoat off John.)
Sherlock: Easy easy easy-- (he tosses the coat as far as he can, which isn't very far.)
(John goes all rubbery and collapses against the wall.
Sherlock is reduced to agitated hamster spins.)
John: Oh God Jesus agh agh agh that was what the hell was that!
Sherlock: I...that...you with the bombhugging thing...!
John: You're welcome.
Sherlock: I just I you do that...!
John: It's okay.
Sherlock: Can't! Make! Feely! Words!
John: It's okay. It's okay. I know you got the wire mommy.
Sherlock (clutching his head): She was sturdy!
(Moriarty slides back in. He has strapped on an electric guitar.)
Moriarty: Changed my mind. ENCORE! Then you die and I'm outta here!
(Moriarty fires up the guitar. John and Sherlock are all lit up with the scary red dots. Again.)
Moriarty: Ahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa!!! FREE BIRD!
John (pointing at Sherlock): Red. You.
Sherlock: Wire mommy...
Moriarty: Mwah! Mwahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! It's a good thing they don't know those are just laser pointers!
(John and Sherlock let this sink in.)
Moriarty: Oh, crap. I said that out loud, didn't I?
(John and Sherlock exchange glances. Then they look at Moriarty.)
Moriarty: It's just that I have a lot of cats...
(The little red lights flick off. We hear the sound of gunsels and minions beating feet.)
Sherlock (To John): Administer beatdown?
John: Oh Hell yeah.
Moriarty: Aw, c'mon, fellas, it's just my little -- Ow ow ow ow OW NOT THE FACE NOT THE FACE NOT THE FACE!!!
(We see Sherlock whaling on Moriarty with his own guitar, while John pelts him with bricks of plastic explosive...and FADE OUT.)