Feb 12, 2008 17:14
Looking for a geek!sam icon. Can anyone help me out? Please? Cos I really, really need it.
Well, I'm a geek, that's why! *giggle* Got results for I&K (informatics and communication basics), management accounting (Rechnungswesen) and HTML.
# 2 I&K
1,7 - with an average of 4,5 (WTF!?!) and a failing rate of 73%(WTFFF?!?)
# 3 MA
1,7 (though I gotta say WTF? right now, cos this exam was awful. I really thought I screwed it) - with an avarage of 3,6 and a failing rate of 35%
# 4 HTML
2,3 - could've been better, actually. But it's okay, I guess.
Still missing results for JAVA and economics. Oh my. Did I mention, that I'm amazing? Well amazingly happy at the least *rofl*.