IRC DW Rewatch

Mar 09, 2011 09:30

The papers and midterms I've been working on for the past couple weeks are now complete and I am up for a Doctor Who rewatch this Saturday on IRC if anyone is interested in joining me.

I'm thinking Saturday, March 12 at 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances will be on the docket. Other episodes may follow or preceed depending on what time redknightalex can join us.

I'll post chatroom information on Saturday when I get it set up. If you're interested, watch this space. :)

This is open to anyone who would like to watch Who with other fans. Standard fandom rules apply.

I just wanted to add some info if you're not already familiar with IRC. You may want to try one of these options to work out any kinks before the chat.

You can access IRC using many different IRC clients.

mIRC is especially popular. It's a free download, but only for 30 days and then the creator will want you to pay for it. There are easy ways around paying for it, but I'm not telling.

You can also use web-based clients. I really like, but have also had success with Both are free.

Whichever client you decide to use, know that I will be using the freenode network because this is the network that canaana used during the Gally rewatch and it worked better than EFnet. I'll post the name of the room on Saturday.
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