Jul 06, 2009 11:43
Hmm- time for the semi-annual post? perhaps.
I skipped An Tir/West war to spend a little time with my house, husband and horse, and it was really nice. Only got a little housework done, but did finish a scroll and start on another one- they're both due at July Coronation. I've been on a big scribal kick recently, experimenting with parchment, pendent seals, and more period inks and paints. So far, I like them all better than modern paper, glue-on seals and so on. I fear I'm driving the Royal Scribe a bit nuts with the pendent seals though, as she has to make time at Coronation to let me use the seal matrix, but she's being very nice about it.
Had a really good day of riding yesterday- between events and back issues, I haven't really ridden in about a month (pony is still pretty nervous at events, so 5 minutes of walking quietly in circles is a triumph). So a couple of hours in an empty home arena just trotting around and working on listening and bending and such was really nice. Yay! She really is a lovely animal, and very eager to please. Then helped with barn chores and had a nice social dinner for an all-around good day.
Lionhearts went well, my first event as equestrian marshal in charge- I got to do all the layout and schedule the way I thought it would work best, and it worked pretty well. I learned a few things, and had an excellent crew of volunteers, and I think people enjoyed themselves. Juggling time with court and baronial scribe duties was somewhat less successful, but I can't fix the unschedulability of some folks.
And just a note to anyone foolish enough to try it- it doesn't matter how helpful you're trying to be, DON'T try to grab scrolls out of a scribe's hands. You may not realize how many hours of labor you're reaching your potentially-grubby fingers towards, but the scribe knows, and when they keep stepping away and dodging you, stop grabbing or you just might get punched. Just sayin'.
Other than that, though, the event was great, and we added some lovely new folks to our camp, who sang as they washed dishes all weekend! How nice is that!