Shameless advertising!

Nov 19, 2015 16:41



All previous bag/purse styles available. I'm afraid I can't find the exact same fabrics, because in the fabric shops over here, you either buy it or you never see it again. So yeah, I don't have any of those fabrics left, but I have some dark purple, dark blue and dark grey microfiber at hand. + I can always go and see what they have at the shop.
Tell me what you'd like and we'll see what we can do.
Price range = ~35-70 dollars, depending on the complexity and materials.


» bunniesbunnies (at) gmail (dot) com
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*Click picture to see photos of previous works + what's for sale*
Some bags (that are not on etsy, but marked as FS on Flickr) have been used for a bit, but they're in really great condition.

*Click picture to see photos of previous works + what's for sale*

links, crafts, etsy, sewing

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