Aug 01, 2006 03:58
Things reaffirmed today:
-"I'm Pinky, yes, I'm Pinky, I 'Poit' and I 'narf' and I say 'Egad!'"
-I hate writing
-Books written for kids are way better than books written for adults
-math is exciting
-unlimited computing power is VERY exciting
-I hate it when chris is gone
-I am such a candy addict. My stomach can take basically any amount of sugar I throw into it. It would probably be better if I got sick or something after eating unreal amounts of candy, so that I would eat less of it, but as long as it doesn't make me throw up, I can keep eating it. grr.
-I become really compulsive when nervous.
-my coordination is the worst ever. while turning the light on in my bedroom, i whirled about quickly and face-planted into the door-jamb, which caused me to bite down really hard on my lower lip. so I have a self-induced fat lip, thanks to general clumsiness. this rivals the time i slammed the door shut ACROSS my foot, so that I scraped a good chunk of skin off the top of the foot. sigh. or the time i slammed a glass pitcher into the counter, so the bottom fell off and sliced my foot, which was inconveniently positioned below the fallen pitcher. i thought i would grow out of the clumsiness, but that is not the case.
-the eagles are really cheesy
-i really need to clean the bathroom