Feb 16, 2006 04:55
So I guess I hadn't checked my uiuc e-mail all weekend. On Monday I tried, and was unable. Oh, I guess I finally lost my CITES e-mail. Then I notice on the page there's a message saying, basically, that December 2005 graduates' accounts were inadvertantly (so... accidentally?) disabled on Saturday night and would be reactivated by end of working day Monday.
I graduated in May 2005, so I should have lost the account by end of summer. However, two false starts at graduating might have messed with the whole cites account thing. Or maybe something to do with being reiumbursed (IN CASH, no less) end of summer as a student (rather than as nobody or as an employee). Or, really, maybe something to do with CITES being notorious for not really doing what they say they'll do (question of compitence for many).
Anyway, by what I assume is end of working day Monday (5 or 6 ish central time) I try, and nothing, so I figure that since I didn't graduate December I probably didn't get reactivated. But later that night, I was able to log in, and the start page said accounts would be reactivated by 8:00pm Monday. Well, isn't hindesight nice.
So I missed all e-mails Sunday, which is significant spam, some messages in Emmy's LJ which I saw anyway, and maybe eBay saved searches. I got some e-mails. Tuesday was a pretty good day. And then at some point, I guess the afternoon, I could no longer re-login.
So really the moral of the story is that if you left me any messages after Tuesday noon you can assume I didn't get it.
It's sad because I save most non-form/standard e-mails, and there was about a year's worth of e-mails I didn't get to download because they go onto my computer (as opposed to laptop) which we haven't really managed to get online. Oh well.