this is my third entry of my 'livejournal' and i'm awesome because i have no friends. at least that's how it seems sometimes. it just occured to me that i have the attention span of a retarded goldfish. GOD DAMNIT i'm hungry. you know what's awesome? runescape. that's this game and
it's awesome. it's an MMORPG, a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, which basically means that theres a bunch of assholes on it at the same time. ever seen 40,000 assholes grouped in one spot? i didn't think so, bitch! not all of them are dickheads, just the new people. they don't see it for what it really is, aside from a game. for some people, it's more than that. people like this (like me) yearn for something more than this existence, to learn, to explore, to do shit more exciting than sitting at a computer staring blankly into a moniter. although i'm not saying that's not fun too :P. but the point is, they can't normally do it in real life, so they play games like RuneScape. so anyway, about the dickheads. they suck, because they think that they're so awesome because they have a great weapon or something, but GUESS WHAT MOTHERFUCKERS? I'M GOING TO CRUSH YOU WITH MY GIHUMOUNGANTICUS IQ!* fuckheads. i really hate these people. you know what sucks? there's a girl that i really like that is head-over-heals for some idiotic sophomore that i don't even know or care about. and she could probably care less about me, or that's how it seems.
Suggested site: sometimes you get feelings that you really can't put into words, just these humoungus expressions of sadness....all i can say is what i can't.
*my IQ was 144 in fifth grade, not to brag, i just really hate those people.