38 Days until the 3-Day!

Sep 12, 2006 10:57

A quick update...

I now have everything on my packing list except for the Mylar blanket, which I will pick up this weekend.  With 38 days to go, I only have $265.00 LEFT TO RAISE!  So I'm putting the call out - if you have not donated, if you'd like to donate more, if you find a $5 bill in your pants and don't know what to do with it, head over to my 3-Day page and please donate for an excellent cause.

Of course, if you go to the page and see that the goal has been met, don't let that stop you from donating more - remember, it all goes to an excellent cause - the Susan G. Komen Foundation and the National Philanthropic Trust for Breast Cancer.

I put up a post on a wedding planning LJ community on how to deal with the insane tan lines I have acquired from the walking.  I'd link to the post, but it's got a picture of me in my wedding dress, so you're not allowed to see it.  But I did get a LOT of good advice, so hopefully the wedding pictures won't feature the delecate glow of a sports bra tan line.

breast cancer 3-day

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