May 18, 2006 10:03
(I'm too depressed to write about Alias anymore, and no one really watches that show still anyway because it has reached epidemic levels of lame. So let's try this.)
Last night on Lost, our suspicions that Michael's actions as of late were due to the Others telling him what to do in order to let him have Walt were confirmed. Except, the Others never actually said "Kill Ana-Lucia and anyone else who happens to walk in. And yourself, while you're at it." So it's good to know that Michael is an out of the box thinker. Everyone else on the island finds out Michael is back, and instead of anyone asking "Where've you been? What happened to your arm? Where's Walt? You say Ana-Lucia and Libby were murdered - tell us more!" they're all "Shit dude, good to see ya!" Michael plans a party of Kate, Jack, Sawyer and Hurley to leave in the morning to "GET MY BOY BACK!" Sayid wants to come, but Michael thinks he's so slick in talking Sayid out of coming. Too bad Sayid actually has a brain, and sees right through him.
In flashbacks, Michael was taken to the Others' camp and allowed to see Walt for three minutes. Walt says they're making him take tests - good to know that even on Lost Island, no child is left behind. The Others tell him to let NotHenry free and to bring back Kate, Jack, Sawyer and Hurley for purposes unknown. Michael agrees and demands that they give him the boat.
Final 2 minutes (for most episodes, this is the only time stuff ever happens): Jack gives the worst eulogy ever, Hurley can't remember what Libby's profession was, and everyone sees a boat in the distance!
(Note, because I am a Lost nerd: How did Michael know the Others had a boat? Because they took Walt away on a boat. But it was a boat with a motor. The boat everyone sees at the end was a sailboat - perhaps the one Desmond was stranded on the island in from his race around the world?)