Nov 13, 2006 06:51
Yippee, it's "Anne is procrastinating on a paper that is due very very soon and the 400 pages of reading she has to put up professor quotes on livejournal! Woot!"
Niklas Hultin (remember, Swedish accent):
On something: "OK, who is not good?"
On authoritarian Nigeria: "Getting a law passed is not that difficult, especially if you control parliament."
On American TV: "I'm really fascinated by Oprah these days. Doesn't she give everyone who comes on the show a car?"
On our exams: "If you kind of got it, I gave you a point, unless it was so vague that it was completely nosensical."
On movies: "Because no one seems more African than Laurence Olivier."
On Halloween candy: "So, who better to give the candy to than you guys, especially since I'll be dashing your hopes of being experts in Africa."
On Sharia in some contexts: "We're not abusing human rights, we're just having a group hug and being misunderstood."
On Darfur: "If, at some point in the near future, you are accused of genocide..."
On the conscription military in Sweden: "I was a draft-dodger-- or kind of what Dick Cheney did-- that's what I did."
On Libya: "I don't know if Gaddaffi woke up one day and said, 'I love Bush'."
On misconceptions: "There's a sidenote here about eating people in African conflicts..."
Oh James Kurth, you are the master:
On our futures [to Rob McKeon]: "You've got a great career in politics-- stay away from the big issues and talk about the trivial ones!"
On women in the military [to David Pupkin]: "You will get yourself into combat soon, Mr. Pupkin, do charge on, maybe I shouldn't encourage you..."
On the Schlieffen Plan: "The German general staff were brilliant, but, like most brilliant people, they were also crazy."
On the Eastern front: "And, Russia is a big country to walk accross."
On names: "If you're planning the death of 100 million people, you give it a bland name like 'Standard Integrated Operative Procedure'."
On the Airforce 1: "You may think I've all of a sudden truned into Dr. Strangelove, which is true, because the early Air Force generals were maniacs."
On the Air Force 2: "The biggest mistake in US military history was making the Air Force its own separate service, with their cute baby blue uniforms. They should have kept them in their little box in the Army, because they're going to blow up the world."
On something: "It's a fascinating system we have where the only corrective mechanism for a lunativ is another lunatic."
On the Air Force 3: GINS- So, why is the Air Force relevant without carrier aircraft? KURTH: Well, I've been trying to figure that out for 20 years, and I have to give a lecture on it in two weeks, so hopefully, I'll think of something...
On Iraq: "No, not George Hussein."
On Abby Graber's solution to Middle East problems involving US no longer unequivocally supporting Israel as a stopover policy: "So, if I want to go to the Moon [stands on chair], I'm now closer to the Moon."
On the 9/11 masterminds: "Atta, he's much like a professor."
On why we need a conventional land Army: "The Venezuelan Army-- they're hiding in the bathrooms of CITGO stations. Go there, you'll see them."
On needs: "We need a book-burning, that's what we need."
On our (former) leadership: "Rumsfeld, Cheney-- Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum-- Batman, Robin"
On Tommy Franks: "Most military people thought Tommy Franks was a WHORE. But they couldn't say that because there was a WAR. Frankly, Franks just wasn't frank enough."
Isn't it obvious that I just want to take Defense Policy for the rest of my Swarthmore career?
Still sleep deprived, still unmotivated to do anything academic except for poli sci, still feeling a little bipolar. Almost Thanksgiving, 5 weeks 'til break. I think I can, I think I can...