30 Days of Slash Meme: Day 22 and 23

Apr 22, 2012 21:24

DAY 22: Top 5 Graphics of Your Slash Pairings

I don't have favorite graphics. And I found lots of great graphics, but did not feel like picking favorites.
Thank you, Tumblr.

DAY 23: Top 5 Self-Pimp Works For Your Slash Pairings

Milo/Rick, Alex Delaware Novels
In Sickness, a missing scene from after Milo got shot.
Things That Are Holy, about gay marriage and ignorance. But mostly about porn.

Nick/Cody, Riptide
Orange Skelletons in the Closet, careful! Roboz is dead. Ish.

John/Cesar, Southland
Occupational risks, because my head canon for Cesar is that he's a fireman.

Danny/Martin, Without a Trace
A Matter of Opinion, the very last fic I wrote on my boys.

meme: 30 days of slash

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