Because of
megan_moonlight's 30 Days of Slash Meme I've decided to create a meme of my own. So, using her meme as a start (the questions, as she told me, where elaborated by a friend of hers), here's what I came up with:
Pick ONE pairing to worship for the rest of the month!
> DAY 01: Your OTP and Why
> DAY 02: The Moment You Knew You Shipped It
> DAY 03: Favourite Canon Moment
> DAY 04: Sexiest Moment
> DAY 05: Cutest Moment
> DAY 06: Canon Moment You Could Live Without
> DAY 07: Love & Hate Moment
can be just one or you can use two separate moments
> DAY 08: Favourite Threesome/Moresome You Like To Write/Read With Your OTP
> DAY 09: Het Pairings You Also Write/Read With Your OTP Characters, separately
> DAY 10: Slash Pairings You Also Write/Read With Your OTP Characters, separately
> DAY 11: A Character You're Constatnly Afraid Will Ruin/Have Already Ruined Your OTP
> DAY 12: Head Canon For Character A
> DAY 13: Head Canon For Character B
> DAY 14: Head Canon For OTP As A Whole
squeeze in more Character HC if your OTP is an OT3 (or an OT30)
> DAY 15: Your Wish List For Your OTP
> DAY 16: Crossover your OTP's fandom with another fandom from a different media (tv with book, radio with movie, etc)
> DAY 17: Introduce a character from another fandom to your OTP
> DAY 18: Introduce your OTP into a fic you've written for another fandom
> DAY 19: Top 5 Fanfic of Your OTP
> DAY 20: Top 5 Fanart of Your OTP
> DAY 21: Top 5 Fanvids of Your OTP
> DAY 22: Top 5 Graphics of Your OTP
> DAY 23: Top 5 Self-Pimp Works For Your OTP
> DAY 24: Top 5 Scenes of Your OTP
> DAY 25: Top 5 Prompts For Your OTP
> DAY 26: Top 5 Kinks For Your OTP
> DAY 27: Top 5 Songs For Your OTP
> DAY 28: Top 5 AUs For Your OTP
> DAY 29: Do something for your OTP: art, fic, vid, rec, anything you can do!
> DAY 30: Free Choice
1. If, by any chance, you cannot fill one of the Worship Days - say, if your OTP comes from radio and there are no fanvids for you to fill Day 21, then you HAVE to make at least one drabble/icon/rec (or more/or longer). This is, after all, worship. But if you can't and would just like to skip it I can't stop you.
2. When you're doing the TOP FIVE section, provide links when you're able to.
Anyone wants to help me spread this around?