So I'm late. Sorry. College is back on track now.
Day1: Favorite Garbage Call )
Day2: Favorite Detective )
Day3: Favorite Patrol Cop )
Day4: Best Scene )
Day5: Worst/Most Annoying Character )
Day6: Favorite crime/criminal )
Day7: Favorite recurring character )
Day8: Worst episode )
9. Favorite Cooper quote
Gosh, how do I pick a Cooper quote? Everything he says has meaning, he is the voice of wisdom on the show. I have my least favorites, but all in all I have no favorites. For one-liners I do like it when he tells Drug Dealer "lets get out of here", and the already mentioned "the answer is no", and of course "that's one of my dealers". But there's also a lot of great speeches by John. The one that caught me was probably the first one:
Ofcr. John Cooper: What the hell did you think the gun was for, huh? Show-and-tell? Look, you'll get over it - all right, they'll send you to BSS, you'll do all that Buddhist "I love and revere all sentient beings" crap; then at o'dark-thirty, next time you're up, you will drag your weary, fried ass out of bed, you will put on your gun and your vest, and you will do it all over again. You know why? Because this is a front row seat to the greatest show on earth. Can you abuse it? Yes, sir - you can, and you will; I guarantee it. Because it is relentless, and it gets to you, and it seems like it changes nothing. But a day like today, with some interesting capers, and a few good arrests? That's good. But every once in a while, you get to take a bad guy off the streets for good... and that, my friend, is God's work. So now you wanna be a pussy and quit, you quit. You're a cop because you don't know how not to be one. If you feel that way, you're a cop. If you don't, you're not - you decide.
It not only shows that Cooper knows what he is doing, it establishes the show as a whole.
10. Best cop
No doubt.
Even when he's on drugs.
Go back to Day3 for icons, because I ran out of John-icons right now.
11. Worst cop
12. Favorite/best episode
13. Favorite partnership
14. Best/favorite fic
15. Biggest hope for season 3