It's been a while ever since I posted anything related to shows - and I hardly think I'll keep it up this season either (RL is a bitch!) - but it's special this week! It's PREMIER WEEK!! And a good one too!!!
So, my dear fictional readers (I still believe somebody reads this!), lets get to the point.
Neil Patrick Harris!
What Can I say? I love him! Fantastic work last night. He looked so cute, all sweet and insecure. If you drop by TELEVISION WITHOUT PITTY (dotcom, that's the adress, in case you're wondering) and read their weekcap on HIMYM, it matches my thoughts precisely on him. It also got me wondering if Robin is just playing dumb and knows Barney's into her, I dunno. All I know is that neither this Barney nor the old Barney will be a good match for Robin, he'll have to find a mid-term - and he probably will.
I'm thinking also that Robin will get the job she'll aply to. But I'm taking a guess here, maybe it's in another city and Barney will ask her to stay. Too Friends? Most likely.
And I gotta say, everybody pays atention to NPH, but Ted (yes! I can't remember the actor's name!! Judge me!! Judge me as you want!!) was particularly inspired last night as well.
"The color of the ocean after a storm."
"We did it, you little masturbator bastard!" or something like it. HUAHUAHUIA
If anybody gets the promo, let me know.
When the SUV exploded, I thought "Hotch!" and I kept thinking Hotch all the way through your summer (for us is winter right now - a rainy, rainy winter - ugh!) and then the promo came... And Hotch was fine. Well, "fine", fine enough to have been blown up! I changed my mind and focused on Reid, who was not on the promo. Then the sneak peek came and he was fine too. Okay, then Morgan.
Premier came in: HOTCH!
LITTLE BASTARD CHEATERS!!! You played with my mind!!!
Not only that, they also cheated on how hurt they got because they were... out of the car? Are you kidding me? And what was that "Morgan maybe exploded" moment? C'MON!! At least show us he jumping out of the car! We are not stupids!! We know you won't kill the main stars wihotu warning us with months in advice!!! And one more thing: EMILY better not start having an affair with a married guy! She's a gr8 character, give her something nice to do.
But, as amazing as it may sound to you, a found this episode very good. Seriously. Even minorly injured Hotch was worth watching because, when he cried out for help, I wanted to go help because my heart was bleeding just as much as Brit Chick - which, by the way, I was always sure was going to die, and I'm sorry, but I never really cared for her much to say the final moments were sad.
And Morgan's "jumping out and running away from that mega, super explosion in two seconds" may be silly, but my heart was beating as fast as it could. My sis actually interrupted me half-way through that and after I killed her and burried her in my yard (kidding, kidding, I don't have a yard), Morgan could actually say "You're my God-given solace" and I just... wow... Garcia, I'd merry this guy before that, but what a word! SOLACE! I loved it! It was so poetic! My favorite moment.
As an extra, Reid looked sweet and Rossi had good moments with him. Aww, they're sweet togethe. Non-slashy, I mean, just daddy-kiddy relationship - which they're not developping yet, but I'd like to see them try. We're in need of that ever since Mandy left us.
Anyhoo, I'm pleased.
That now has STEVEN WEBER as special guest! I was in heaven when I heard it! Ever since Studio60 I'm adicted to that guy! I'm going through his movies and shows whever I find one, and I'm liking most of them. Leopardinic, from D/M comunity, is a fan of Jeffrey as well! Yay! Jeffrey has a least two fans!!
But for me it was impossible not to think of Weber's Jack Rudolph while watching, because they're very similar. Tough, smart, kinda necesary pain in your ass, but with ethics and responsabilities. When Viv mentioned JD/MBA - and after I managed to find out what the hell it meant (can you believe she said JAY and I kept hearing GEE? Dumb me!) - well, the Juris Doctor/Master Business Administration degree thing came up and I just couldn't stop thinking that it is probably something Rudolph had too (just so you won't mix the Jacks).
Ugh, S60, will I ever let you go?
Anyway, Medina is a good character, and despite the similarities, he differs from S60 because that guy is a team player, but the boss - like he said: "I play with my kids, but they know I'm not one of them", and that pretty much defined the character. Also, his ego is WAAAAY smaller than Rudolph's was. If ALP ever steps down and the show goes on, I'd surely add him to the cast. I liked how he tries to work with the unit, much like Rossi in CM. Without the ego issues.
Well, once I got the groopie out of my system, lets just say I liked the show itself.
MP - good. Really good. I did think that bringing back the daughter was way too happy for such powerful story and the message of "moving on" was pretty much gone, but I felt happy for the guy.
D/M - oh, my slashy heart is joyful this week! My boys are speaking again! And the eye-fucks! Martin looked good! EC gets more beautiful every week, or is it my eyes? Everybody already commented on what mattered on that issue, but it's nice to have my boyd back.
Even Elena didn't annoy me so much. She walked in with Danny, but I didn't try to kill her with my mind! I'm getting too soft.
J/S - gr8! For shipper and non-shippers. The phone call was my fav, and liked the name Finn. Finn Spade. I thought they'd go for Samuel, but I liked Finn better, unrelated to anything. And how cute was Jack pouting over his lost stampler. "I had one but I lost it!" Poor thing, lost his office AND his stampler! Writters! Give the guy a break!
And Viv is awsome. Barney Stinson level of awsome, I mean. She is there, she's amazing and I can't wait to see her take over. It - just - has - to - happen!
Okay, so I spend way too much words on Weber, but hey, watch Wings, Jeffrey and S60 firsth, then judge me!
If anybody here finds promos for any of these shows, lemme know.
This is Annie, kissing goodbye. Will I come back? Talk to my RL and tell it to leave me alone!