Annie's Official Friending Frenzy!

Jun 16, 2010 12:39

After my recent complaints of LJ becoming a sad little ghost town, it was suggested that I host my own little Friending Frenzy. I know I have seen these wonders before, but I never paid enough attention to pick up any etiquette involved. Then I decided that I really could care less. In Annietopia we do things my way, and I hope my way will benefit more than just me.

Here is the plan. I am making this a public post. Under cut I shall write a nice little blurb about myself in the hopes of attracting some new friends to my little corner of the internet. I am asking you, my dear friends, to share a link to this particular post in your journal. Maybe even write a nice little "Annie Rocks my Toe Socks" intro to encourage your friends to wander over, clicky the linky, and read. (I am very willing to suggest adjectives to describe me if you are feeling less than creative *grin*)

So how can this also benefit each of you? My hope is that you will also take the time to write a little comment to this post...share a bit about yourself...and make some new friends. Maybe read some other comments and friend those who sound like a good match to your journal world. Friend, friend, friend. The only way to get our journals jumping again is to be all social-like.

An important side-note...anyone who has already been on my friend's list has my stamp of approval. I have said this before and I will say it again as I do adore each of you and would not point you towards an ugly little LJ friendship.

And I do ask that anyone who posts a comment take a moment to let me know how you found your way to this post. Just let me know that you are a friend of so-and-so or you have been stalking me for awhile and finally found your way to slip yourself into my world. While I am opening my LJ door and handing out party favors, I do still want to keep my LJ a safe zone. Stalkers are welcome as long as they are funny. Funny is good.

We should get the basics out of the way first. I am a 33-year old stay-at-home mom of two little boys. Gavin is 7, and he will be in second grade in the fall. Alex just turned 3. I have been married for over 8 years now to Jesse, and we live in Ohio. (I live roughly 30-45 minutes north of the Giant Jesus statue that was recently hit by lightning...gotta love using that as a landmark) I have been a stay-at-home mom since Gavin was born. Before that I worked with special treatment foster care children through a non-profit organization. I have a degree in child psychology which does not come in as handy as one would assume since I have my own children.

Being a mom is only one part of my life. Same with being a wife. A daughter. A sister. A friend. Everything meshes together in its own way to create the nutty little person that I have become.

I do share stories about my children. I share stories about being a wife. I talk about my day. I rant about various things when necessary. I always talk about going to Krogers because that place rates up there with a state fair when it comes to people watching. At least my Krogers does. I once saw a guy wearing a trash bag like a cape. It made my entire month.

I love to reality TV...and watch movies.

I have two cats and a dog. We used to own a horse boarding stable, but we sold it all for more "city" life when Gavin was around 6 months old. City life means I wanted sidewalks and chinese places that would deliver to my front door.

I am opinionated but respectful and do expect the same from others in my life.

Sometimes I think I am just a simple person because I do find amusement and happiness in the smaller things in life. Or maybe I have just finally discovered what matters to me.

What am I looking for "friend wise" thanks to this little frenzy? Who the heck knows. While it helps to have some things in common so we can connect on some level, I really do like variety in my life. I live in freaking Ohio. Give me some spice over here. Humor is a must...the ability to laugh at me and make me giggle on occasion. No I do not expect everyone to be a stand-up comedian full of rainbows and butterflies. That would really freak me out actually. We all have our ups and downs. I just prefer to avoid the dramas. Well unless the dramas are hilarious, and it is not happening to me. So if you find yourself up more than down or if the down is some funny stuff, we will get along just fine. I don't care if you are married or single...have children or never want or are unemployed...religious or not. It does help if you think my children are adorable beyond all reason.

I do tend to skip or ignore all Twitter posts because I like to know more about a person than what can be summed up in 140 characters.

So yep. There you go. Friend me. We'll bond. I'll comment when I have something to say which tends to be quite often. You comment when you have something to say.

Dude...I just need to find people who post more often than once a week or once a month!

friending frenzy 06/2010

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