First snow of the year, Oct. 25. Tis beautiful. Don't know if I'll be saying that in a few weeks when it does this nonstop till April, but for now it's fun.
A bunch of us from 3rd Floor Mac went on the roof (illegally) and I took some pictures:
I Like This Because it Looks Like the Snow is Going to Knock Chelsea Unconscious:
Sean taking pictures too:
View Towards Minor Field/Parking Lot
Am most definitely not working on my paper right now.
P.S. Gregory Maguire has signed my Wicked book, and he wrote "Fiyero loves you, he's a smart fellow. Cheers, Gregory Maguire." If the author wrote it, IT MUST BE TRUE. Haha...I'm not even an obsessive Wicked fan. The book's awesome though. The musical's pretty good.