Christmas Tree. 3/4

Dec 20, 2011 03:34

Christmas Tree. ~ The J2, AU, Christmas, Werewolf, birthday gift, fic

Description: NC-17. Werewolf Jensen and Jared, a Christmas Tree, some angst and a lot of abused!sick!hurt!Jared and therefore some comfort!Jensen.  A whole pack of supporting CW characters to help them out because J2 are clueless. This isn’t all sunshine and rainbows or even PWP ( Read more... )

werewolf!jared, abused!jared, bottom!jared, werewolf!jensen, christmas tree, christmas, j2, hurt/comfort, jensen/jared, top!jensen

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Comments 7

ayane42 December 20 2011, 05:02:39 UTC
yee haw!! wow this is awesome!!


sylsdarkplace December 20 2011, 11:26:54 UTC
Guh, you are so good at showing Jared's pain and desperation and confusion. Poor pup. Jensen is so damn patient and has such self-control. Wonderful stuff.
On to more ...


anniespinkhouse December 20 2011, 15:45:49 UTC
Is it worrying that I think of Christmas and then write this stuff? Jared suits the term pup so well <3


meesasometimes December 20 2011, 14:35:25 UTC
I am loving this!!!!


anniespinkhouse December 20 2011, 15:46:48 UTC
THat makes me happy. Thanks for commenting :)


sadritsuka12 December 20 2011, 21:49:30 UTC
wow.... awwwwe jared miss and want jensen


jolieblon May 27 2012, 23:23:32 UTC
Hooray for Aldis trying to make Jared feel safer. And yay for Jared for doing the right thing for little Sarah and for her parents accepting his apology.
Poor, torn Jared!


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