Jared didn’t feel damned and he couldn't feel the flames of Hell's fire licking at his soul. In this moment he felt calm and even if he hated to admit it to himself, happy. Perhaps there was something else too, hope.
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Comments 10
You know Jensen has to be the poorest slave owner in history. Maybe it's being a Prince, but poor Jared is floating in a sea of uncertainty. Never knowing what's expected of him or what's right, and facing Jensen's wrath as a result. I think his idea of a slave manual has some merit!
I think the tone here is perfect considering Jared was just brutalized, so why would he be super eager to have it done again. Nice staging for more trust. And I like that the back story to Jared's betrayal is exposed. So the big question is Chris Kane still alive, is he a slave now too? Or just a captive? I do wonder at Jared accepting his slavery so (relatively) easily. But maybe his life as a sheltered prince was very much like his life with Jensen... I love when he fights back, even with the 10 captives hanging over him, the guy was a Prince as well and used to having at least some of his own way.
And Happy is a good place to rest for a while.
Hmm and I think you hit the nail on the head with Jared's acceptance.
Thanks for commenting - spurs me on to bother posting when LJ is being such a bitch :)
And no problem! You totally deserve it, and LJ just sucks like that. Boo.
I am glad that Jensen will not force Jared again, but I'm still nervous about this presentation at Court. It sounds like that's something that could take Jared away from Jensen.
How awful for Jared to hear how badly he'd been tricked and manipulated in his own home. There really is nothing left for him except possibly saving his sister.
{The Captain and young Jake, they are loyal to their Prince, to the end.”}
That 'ARE' gives me hope that both Christian and Jake are still alive.
You may be very observant ;)
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