cold wind blowing

Nov 21, 2006 08:56

It's snowing this morning.

Snow in the Lowcountry -- it's a rare, wonderful sight. Nothing sticking, no accumulation, but it's snowing nonetheless. Big, thick drops of snow blowing in the wind, and it's the weirdest, most awesome thing ever. When I walked the dingo this morning, we walked through the marsh while the wind blew snow all around the dunes. The local news keeps showing crazy aerial footage of snow blowing over the old, antebellum mansions in downtown Charleston, rustling through the palm trees.

I never see snow. I can tell you exactly how many times I've experienced actual snow: the blizzard in 1989 when Charleston got 7" of snow (yes, I know, not much of a blizzard but it's still a record for the city), the snowstorm that hit the Washington, D.C. area back in, like, the early 1990's (which was awesome, because we were snowed in and couldn't get back home and I got excused absences from school), 2" in winter of 1999, and the snow on the ground when I was at annakovsky's New Year's Eve 2004. Oh, and once when I was little and we visited my grandmother in Fort Wayne. That's it, folks.

So, yes, whenever there's a flurry or a little patch of white, I get excited. It's like magic.

Good morning. :)

ETA: HA! Even better morning! Work is cancelled; I am crawling back into bed. JOY. :)
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