Jan 20, 2006 14:57
GIP, because I know you're gay.
Today is a much better day than yesterday, mostly because I'm not PMS-ing anymore. I'll take the cramps over the insanity any day. I spent most of last night cleaning and watching documentaries on Discovery Health about families with a lot of kids. I don't know why. PMS again, no doubt. Those damn Dilley sextuplets suck me in every time, 'cause those kids are goddamn hilarious and unique, and the parents just adore them. And they're TWELVE now! Gah! I remember when they were born! *is old*
Why is it that when ONE lightbulb goes out in my apartment, ALL the other lightbulbs seem to go out at the same damn time? Seriously, I lost FOUR LAMPS last night, and of course, I only had ONE spare lightbulb hanging around. And all the lights in my bathroom died, so I had to pee in the dark. And I don't like peeing in the dark. It's all Stephen King's fault. *peers into toilet for Pennywise*
I am going through SERIOUS computer withdrawal. I'm limping by on my BlackBerry and the occasional borrowing of a work computer (which I'll be using this weekend, because I do NOT go through the weekends without internet, oh no), but I have no Photoshop, no downloading capability, nothing but internet, e-mail, and Word. And a couple of Mah Jong games, because I am addicted. I want to make icons, dammit. BAH.
One hour left and then I can go home! YAY.