boys had better beware

Nov 08, 2005 13:08

Am feeling cruddy again today. BLECH. That's no fair and no fun. Will probably try to sneak out of work early today, because I am a sneaky, sick little thing who wants to go home and cuddle with my pink poodle blankie and my puppy and watch TV until I pass out from the cold medicine. But NOT the Tamiflu, for the Tamiflu is sacred and will assure my ascension to godlike status after the Apocalyptic Avian Flu strikes. MWAHAHAHA!!!

I finally invited my father over to see my apartment. I've lived there for a year and a half, but he's never seen it. Mostly because it was never really decorated, but now it is, and he paid for it, so he should get to see what I did with his generous donations to the Furnish Annie's Apartment Charity. ;) I hope he likes all the pink ...

Speaking of pink, later on tonight, I am going to be OMGOMGOMGing like a madwoman, because ignited gave me the BEST birthday present and is redoing my LJ layout to reflect my multifandom zen. And I have seen the graphic she did, and it is fucking BEAUTIFUL and it is PINK and you will all die of envy, for Stef is the graphics QUEEN. I even made my mom look at it; it is THAT lush and pretty. GYAH. *is spoiled and thankful for it*

So, I'm all serious about that multifandom challenge. Artwork, icons, fanfic -- would anyone be interested? I have a THEME. It'll be FUN. C'mon, people! Help me restart my creative fic juices!!! Mmmmmm. JUICE. *needs fluids*

Finally, I like this Buffy icon I made. What? I do. :)

domestic, graphics

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