anniesj's remus & sirius mood theme

Oct 18, 2004 10:01

Because I am such a total and utter whore for David Thewlis, Gary Oldman, and really pretty HP fanart, I had to create something. And I've been working on it off and on for a while now, and last night, I finally finished it: The Remus & Sirius Mood Theme. AWWWW YEAH. :) Check out my LJ for examples of how it looks. It is TEH PRETTY. I love it. :)

If you'd like to use it in your own journal, I'd appreciate it if you could leave a note in your userinfo that states: "This moodtheme created by anniesj, using artwork by adamasoda, linnpuzzle, ponderosa121 and The Theban Band." This is just because I don't want to short out the lovely artists who made such gorgeous work. :)

Now, I know that there is the new Mood Theme Editor, which allows you to go through and plug in all your mood themes pretty easily, especially if you have a Photobucket account. But in case you feel like doing this old skool, here are those instructions, too:

1. Download this file:

2. Unzip all the files and upload them to your webspace. This is imperative: unfortunately, my bandwidth cannot handle sharing it right now.

1. Included in the zip file is a text file entitled "moodtheme". Open this text file up in your word processor. Do a find/replace and replace every "" with the location of where you have hosted the image files.

2. Go to the LiveJournal Command Console. In the box, enter this: moodtheme_create "Annie's Remus & Sirius Mood Theme" "thewlis oldman pics" and press execute.

3. If it worked, you should get a box saying that your mood theme has been created. If not, then you fucked up. Write down the ID# they give you (i.e. "58449"), because you'll need it later.

4. Go back to the moodtheme.txt file. Do a find/replace "58449" with the # that LJ assigned to your mood set.

5. CTRL-A to select all the text in that file, then copy and paste it into the console box. Press "execute". It should give you a long list of commands to show that you've been successful.

6. To check if your mood theme has been set up correctly, go to -- but replace "58449" with your theme's ID#. If it shows up, you know it worked!

7. Go back to the Modify Journal page. Scroll down to "select mood icon set". Look for one named "Annie's Remus & Sirius Mood Theme", and select it. Then refresh your LJ to see if the pics show up. :)

Now, can I have a nap? :)
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