Title: Dog Years
Pairing/Character: Backup, ensemble, Veronica/Logan
Word Count: 4,000
Rating: PG-13. Character death
Summary: His life wasn’t always as easy as all-day dog naps and late-night stakeouts…A look at the world through Backup's eyes
Spoilers: Everything, just to be safe
Disclaimer: I am in no way associated with the owners,
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Comments 45
I loved Backup's origin story, and I really liked his take on the different people in Veronica's and Keith's lives. And I laughed at Backup getting miffed about being locked out of V's and L's bedrooms. Hee.
I like the idea of him being a rescue puppy before he was taken for police training though. And I guess if I wanted to copout and be cheesy, I'd admit that him being abused as a puppy was a way to tie him to Logan, too. In addition to their loyalty and protectiveness of Veronica. ;)
Thanks for reading and commenting!
And what do you mean you aren't posting the end of EHAO for WEEKS!!?!! Days or one week, ok. BUT WEEKS? (Uncontrollable sobbing heard off to the side.)
Sorry! I want to get it right though so I'm not going to rush this last one. It'll be up before you know it.
Thanks for reading and commenting!
I will try a less fangirl-ed comment after I've calmed down.
I'm glad you seemed to enjoy it though. Sorry it made you cry.
I'm sorry about your dog. But at 16, he's already lived a very full life. That's a wonderful doggy accomplishment.
Loved the story of how Backup came to live with Keith & Veronica, and his list of things he likes and doesn't like.
His take on all the people around him was amusing. The bits about Veronica crying while cuddling with him, and him giving Logan kisses on the beach were good.
Logan & Veronica shutting him out of the bedroom, and him not understanding the yelling and pounding was especially amusing.
The end was so sad. Backup saved the day, but lost his life.
Backup was happy to find out that in dog heaven, it’s forever summer…
^Smiling through the tears with that line.
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