Title: Bankai Baby
Pairings/Characters: Urahara Kisuke and Benihime
Spoilers: none
Warnings: mild violence
Rating: PG
Word Count: 299
Word Limit: 300
Prompt: sultry
Written for: week #27 bleach_contest
Description: Kisuke thrust his zanpakutō into the tenshintai to compel Benihime to materialize.
Kisuke thrust his zanpakuto... )
You know you are allowed to say that this felt incomplete to you. You don't have to save all your nice comments for posting. Because you already know I pretty much agree with you.
I didn't put your name out for beta because I know you weren't too happy with how chopped off this felt. I do really want to figure out how to continue this some day because I seriously doubt Kubo is going to flashback to this again.
I just feel completely inadequate in being able to predict and imagine what Benhime in bankai is like. My favorite vision of it so far was written by vayshti, where she imagined Benihime sucked the blood from all open wounds on the battle field, much like a vampire. And I can't possibly use her idea unless it becomes canon.
So, maybe when we really get to see Benihime in bankai I'll have enough confidence to resume this. Until then though It's sort of shelved.
I really truly do appreciate your honesty with me on this and what you thought it needed to make it better. Because your comments, critiques and corrections make me a better writer and help me figure out where I want to go next. And that's one of those things that I will forever be trying to find an adequate way to thank you.
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