Dec 12, 2024 07:40
In both Softball and football so more pins for my already full letter Jacket. One of the things I did for each college was send them a picture of my letter Jack, then of each pin I got after my first letter, and took picture of each pin I got, that meant pins for debate Team, Math Club and 4h Club to give then a overall view of me as more than just a sports star plus show them how good I was in sports other than what they saw in film and on paper. It is one of those seeing is believe Things and it seemed to work. big help from T.J on how to apply to colleges and how to answer thenm when they send out first letters. So now I will decide where to go and wait to see who sends me a last letter to come to school and what they willing to give me. So got 2 so far and waiting to see who else sends one by nest week, then decide. Till My Next Journal, Bye