Jobless again...

Jun 02, 2010 18:08

Cause I made a big rant about losing my last job I should do it here too, but if you really want to read it click below....

So I worked for this magazine, Your Wedding Day magazine, for a while now and I was told that my services there would be limited to on call duties. I got my last check today so that ment I could basically just leave them high and dry and let them fend for themselves. I understood the backlot of the website work better then anyone else in the office and seeing how they just want to cut out EVERYONE that worked with them to get the business started it's no surprise that it's better for me to cut them out without consulting the next person. I'm not going to train someone to do my job when I can do the job, right? Seriously the consultant they hired to try to rework their business was saying that they just need to cut out the original web master as a whole, which I don't have a problem with cause the system we have now is ridiculous. The web master lives in different town from our office, does things and charges the company way to much to do things we could be doing ourself, so I totally understand why they want to cut him out (I would to), but it's like they want a whole new office staff so they can keep it fresh and updated.

It's even coming down to the point where the BOSSES don't even want to be apart of it all. They're both about 40 and they're always tired and sick and what not. I can see them as becoming company mascots and only showing up to cut ribbons, but cause they're so burnt out I don't know who would actually enjoy being in their company. They can't afford to run the business anymore they way they're doing it, and it's no surprise I've been given the boot, but they even cut off the accountant. She hated working there (and sometimes she bugged me by not paying me on time) but she understood the money and where things were going. It must be that they want to hire people who'll work for pennies, or on call so they don't have to pay large sums of money to people. There is a girl who they brought in a few months back to help lighten the load and they couldn't afford her, but she gets paid WAY less them me and honestly I don't think she could continue to work there. If you're not getting paid enough, you shouldn't give your heart to a business that's kicking out their old business standards. But we're the same age and I totally understand her position. She needs the work to pay rent.

I posted an image on DA of a spread I did that didn't show up in the last issue cause, even though they liked it, they didn't like how none of the other articles didn't match it. Well the same thing appears in this issue in that I did work that didn't end up the right way, making the issue 5 months late. Ultimately my being dismissed was I was charging to much to be paid, charging them for time just being there, and mistakes that were made by me that slowed down production. They felt like my time there was ment to be used more effectively but if this was really the way they were going to treat me they should've just said so more bluntly, in that when they said we want you work on project based stuff they could've been more clear on that we're not going to pay you to show up and do work that and we're going to ignore your opinions about how you feel about the issue. You're being hired to work, not to think. And while I am upset over the realization that I'm only called on when they feel like like it, cause they're ignoring the fact that THIS IS THE ONLY SOURCE OF INCOME, I get it and I can use this as a breaking point to get something better and I can't call them a terrible business cause they're trying to make it work out for everyone...but I think about ME 1st, and that's why I stayed there. I'll be the bad guy and say I never cared about the image of the magazine and making it grow into something more, or over bend over backwards to make it there and take command (which you couldn't do cause I'm stepping over the decisions of the boss, and if they were too lazy get it done, someone had to) I set myself up to being layed off. My heart was into it and I don't feel they can change and make the magazine better as long as the two bosses are in charge and act the way they do. It is a job that is only good for experience, I just wish I quite before they made this decision on me.
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