Natter natter

Oct 15, 2009 15:52

Experiencing some computer problems recently. Today it took four tries just to boot windows, and now I'm afraid of turning it off and being unable to revive it (OMG what would I do??). Good thing I now have Strider, my unexpected!netbook to provide backup. Strider doesn't have an antivirus, though, so that needs to be rectified *makes note*

I fear it's more of a hardware issue than a software thing. I keep running virus and malware scans to be sure, and they all come up clean, but my friend who knows more about computers than I do says it's unlikely that it's hardware (apparently hardware malfunctions don't have shades of gray, it either works or not at all? I'm not sure I buy it). We'll see.

Banged my wrist pretty hard two days ago and it still hurts. Not in a oh-god-make-it-stop as much as a oh-right-shouldn't-be-doing-that-yet way. in the first thirty seconds after it happened my immediate concern was "if it's broken how the hell am I going to drive myself to the hospital if I can't use one hand? No way I'm calling an ambulance for something this stupid", then I managed to unclench my fingers and investigate the damage, and I realized that I had nicked the skin right over one of the veins and there was a tiny drop of blood, and right then and there I had an epiphany: imagine how awful it would be to accidentally cut yourself across the wrist and have people think you were trying to commit suicide when, really, you were not. And if you went through it mostly ok but they had to stitch you up you'd go then through life with the same scars as an attempted suicide. It's one of those "ways you could die" that never ever occurred to me.

Right now it looks like I jammed an epi-pen right on my wrist or something. Hardly concerning.

Bah, here, have some Bradley James goofing off with his camera, which is always adorkable.

Plus Katie Mcgrath joking that she doesn't get to snog anyone... unlike her maidservant ;-P

And! Katie and Angel doing slashy commentary on Arthur/Merlin (and themselves!).

musings, merlin

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