My very own comment!fic + meta rec

Oct 01, 2009 22:58

Last post I said I was going to write a meta and think about comment fic. Turns out, I've written the comment!fic and read some fantastic meta instead ;-P

Have a go at And The Trickster Makes Three (Underhanded Attempts) Parts one, two, three and four (don't you hate character limit?), PG13 (for swearing). My prompt was: The Trickster meddles with Dean/Cas by throwing every cliche romantic situation in the book at them to teach them a lesson about ignoring their feelings. That's not *quite* what I wrote, but it was inspired by it at the very least.

Nest up, karenmiller 's Dean & Castiel metas. She's got two very good things going for her: one, she's a professional writer, and usually their metas are a joy to read (and hers is). Two, she's a big fan of Castiel, and I gather a Dean!girl, which gelles with my own views, so clearly she is Watching The Show Right ;-P As an added bonus to my yesterdays of being strictly a genner, she ain't a slasher.

Check out her Meta regarding The Rapture (which is just plain brilliant considering all that we've found out this season), the one for Last season's finale
  and a really insightful one on 5.03

Lastly, it's thursday! Warming my fingers, preparing to squee ;-D

fan fic, supernatural

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