Actual bona-fide job interview! ...or not?

Jun 11, 2009 19:51

Tomorrow morning I have an appointment at the local branch of Big Insurance Company (BIC for short) for an unsolicited job interview. What I mean is they got my name from Uni and phoned me up out of the blue offering the interview. They were not very clear on what type of job, (or commitment) they were looking to fill, but I figured, hey, it's BIC, it's unlikely it's some kind of scheme, and at the very least I'll get some practice for a job interview, so I agreed.

The fact that they sought me out skeeves me a little. Who does that? Particularly in this economy? The job must be really awful. If it's telemarketing insurance policies I might have to restrain myself from running away screaming. They did hint over the phone that it has something to do with personnel management, so what I'm dreading is that they're just hiring a lakey to lay off a bunch of people who've worked there god knows how long and then they'll get rid of the lakey too... well, that's where my imagination has gone, anyway.

Will let you know how it plays out :-)

ETA: Telemarketing insurance & door-to-door selling! Plus you're supposed to sell out provide a list of possible clients of your own. Triple threat! *shivers* Personnel managing? Yeah, after a year you become responsible for your own little group of telemarketers. God, it was a little like getting Zachariah's pep talk in "It's a Terrible Life", with all the "sure, you put in a lot of hours, look at me, I leave at ten at night! :-D But if you're good you make a LOT of money! In just sixteen short years I became the boss of more than thirty-five people!" *shudders*

If I want it it's mine. Not as flattering as I'd thought, considering they look to hire about five people every month, since they burn through so many so quickly, and basically take anyone who can actually print a curriculum and is willing. Bah.
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